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[攝影] [Android] Clone Camera App 讓手機大玩分身、透明人照片 [複製連結]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2013-8-14 23:12:40 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 1

沒有什麼修圖比直接在螢幕上塗塗抹抹更直覺的了,Clone Camera 就是一款超直覺製作分身、透明人照片的手機應用程式。iOS 版的 Clone Camera Pro 以及 Android 版的 Clone Camera 可支援拍攝最多 6 張照片合成為單張照片,只要固定好手機、拍下移動的主角之後,可透過手指和螢幕直接選取欲合成的部位,將 6 個相同主角的創意照片。

除了玩影分身之術外,合成功能還可玩出透明人的效果。同樣是利用多張照片合成為單張照片的效果,刻意不避開人的臉、手等皮膚、或是身體其中一部分,即可達成透明人效果。有了 Clone Camera,就不需要動用複雜的專業相機和 PhotoShop 等專業軟體。

★ MacMagazine: "Clone Camera always multiplies by FOUR, but it's definitely worthy FIVE stars!" ★★★★★
★ Follow @Petavision on instagram.
Participate to win a spot in our showcase by follwing us
on instgram and adding the hashtag #ClonecameraChoice
to your favorite photos.★
Do you want to produce interesting photos where several of me appear?
Clone Camera enables you to produce easy and perfect clone photo on your smart phone.
Guide system helps you frame a photo more easily than any other apps and synthesize photos most stably and perfectly. The quality of the results of Clone Camera overwhelm other app’s outcome.
1 Guide for shooting with afterimages
2 Self-timer function that can perform multi-shot with 4 times
3 The camera shake correction function
4 27 different high-quality photo filters
5 Support high-resolution image
6 Support Instagrams, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr

1 Shoot 2 to 4 photos
2 Mark on the part you want to synthesize by drawing with your finger.
3 Synthesize.
4 Apply a variety of filters, or insert letters
5 Store in the camera or share on various social network services.
Q: What kind of pictures I can make?
A: You can make a photo where your clones read books on several spots, exercise, or listen to music in one background.
(We do not recommend overlapping your clones.)
Q: Can I see some examples?
A: Watch amusing photos with instagram hashtag:#clonecamera


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