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[西洋] LIKE A STORM - Love The Way You Hate Me [複製連結]


生命活到極致 一定是簡與靜 美到極致是素與雅

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發表於 2016-8-14 10:43:46 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽

"Love The Way You Hate Me"

Take another shot at me
I love the way you hate me

I don't care if I'm not good enough for you
I don't care if I don't live the lie you want me to
I don't care what you wanna think of me

Cause all you are is everything that I don't wanna to be

You say I'm a freak
I say I am free
Come take a shot at me
I love the way you hate me

You say I'm insane
I say you're afraid
I get stronger from the pain
I love the way you hate me

Take another shot at me
I love the way you hate me

You think I'm nothing
Cause I'm nothing like you
You think you know me
You have no idea what I've been through
So take a shot
Say what you want about me

All you are is everything that I will never be

You say I'm a freak
I say I am free
Come take a shot at me
I love the way you hate me

You say I'm insane
I say you're afraid
I get stronger from the pain
I love the way you hate me

I'd rather be a sinner than a slave
I'd rather be an outcast than just bow down and obey
When it's all done there's only one name upon my grave
I'd rather be a freak than be a fake

Tell me I'm a freak
Tell me I'm a creep
Tell me I'm obscene
Hate me

You say I'm insane
I say you're afraid
I get stronger from the pain
I love the way you hate me
I love the way you hate me
(I don't care)
I love the way you hate me
Hate me


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