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[西洋] Christmas Lights --Cold Play [複製連結]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2016-12-24 20:35:33 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 1

Christmas night, another fight

Tears we cried a flood

Got all kinds of poison in

Poison in my blood

I took my feet

To Oxford Street

Trying to right a wrong

Just walk away

Those windows say

But I can't believe she's gone

When you're still waiting for the snow to fall

Doesn't really feel like Christmas at all

Up above candles on air flicker

Oh they flicker and they float

But I'm up here holding on

To all those chandeliers of hope

Like some drunken Elvis singing

I go singing out of tun

Saying how I always loved you darling

And I always will

Oh when you're still waiting for the snow to fall

Doesn't really feel like Christmas at all

Still waiting for the snow to fall

It doesn't really feel like Christmas at all

Those Christmas lights

Light up the street

Down where the sea and city meet

May all your troubles soon be gone

Oh Christmas lights keep shining on

Those Christmas lights

Light up the street

Maybe they'll bring her back to me

Then all my troubles will be gone

Oh Christmas lights keep shining on

Oh Christmas lights

Light up the street

Light up the fireworks in me

May all your troubles soon be gone

Those Christmas lights keep shining on

已有 1 人評分SOGO幣 收起 理由
不曬月亮的魚 + 10 您發表的影音非常棒,無私分享造福眾人,論.

總評分: SOGO幣 + 10   查看全部評分


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