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[西洋] 林憶蓮 Sandy Lam - 《Within You'll Remain》MV [複製連結]

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發表於 2017-3-7 18:06:03 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 1
本文最後由 linlin0685 於 2023-10-19 18:05 編輯


林憶蓮 - Within You'll Remain

曲 / 詞 :Donald Ashley / 黃良昇
編 : Jung Kung (恭碩良)

I’m facing the world with an empty heart
I could disappear into the dark
And you were the one who could make my dreams
Come true (My dear, it's you)

When you're not around, my heart stood still
Within you'll remain and always will

Wo Ai Ni, I love you
Wo Ai Ni, I need you
More than I ever did anyone
I've never felt like this before

Wo Ai Ni, I want you
Wo Ai Ni, I need you
We could be two lovers from the past
And the future is our chance

When you're not around, my heart stood still (My dear, it’s you)
Within you'll remain and always will

Wo Ai Ni, I love you
Wo Ai Ni, I need you
More than I ever did anyone
I've never felt like this before

Wo Ai Ni, I want you
Wo Ai Ni, I need you
We could be two lovers from the past
And the future is our chance



原曲 Within You'll Remain Chyna (MV) (Uncut Version) Don Ashley 1983 TVB


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