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[知識分享] 盧梭名言 ( 這種心靈雞湯淺嚐易忘,看看就好,別入魔 @ [複製連結]


younger CHEN

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發表於 2019-7-19 00:44:04 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
本文最後由 陽哥哥 於 2019-7-19 00:50 編輯


Lack of knowledge is the most foolish.


Saving and diligence are the two famous man.


Being kind and honest is the most glorious.


The value of life is determined by its own.


No man is without an obscene fault.


Without faith, there is no real virtue.


It can be said that the taste is an appreciation of the microscope.


God made me, but I will break the mold.


Every man is born free, but is in chains!


Labor is the inevitable obligation of everyone in the society.

11、 生活就是一種遍布罪惡和悲傷的苦役。

Life is a kind of guilt and sorrow over slavery.


Conscience is the voice of the soul, and love is the voice of the flesh.


All disciplines should begin from the Enlightenment of the mind.


Life is free, but there is no place to wear shackles.


The act of charity is better than the money to relieve the pain of others.


Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.


The man talked about what he knew, and the woman only talked about the popular thing.


Resentment is a bag of dead rats, it is best to throw him away.


With good intentions, it is not difficult to express his politeness to people.


People in the world is leaving this world, more close to their own, more happiness.


To make up for it with enthusiasm is more than to use it to make up for it.


Property of the devil, feeling what is going to corrupt what.


Youth is the time to learn wisdom, middle age is the time to put into practice.


Because doing meaningful things, it is the enjoyment of life itself.

25、 家庭生活的樂趣是抵抗壞風氣的毒害的最好良劑。

The joy of family life is the best agent to resist the bad mood.


To give an unfair benefit to people who don't deserve it is to destroy the order of justice.


The development of opposite sex friendship, just like a hyperbolic, infinitely close but never touch.

28、大雨可以延遲我們到達的時間 ,但不能阻止我們前進。

Heavy rain can delay the time we arrived, but we can't stop us from going forward.


Youth is a period of growth and intelligence, and the old age is the time to use it.


Nature and virtue, by the product of society, property of knowledge and art of the infringement.


Strength does not mean the right, but only the legal power to generate obligations.


Trying to conquer others is one of the most obvious and harmful causes of the growth of the country.


Virtue is like a battle field, we have a good life, we must fight against ourselves.


Because of overly cautious, people for the moment will not pay enough attention, it will lose the chance.


Do not do too much reading, but to add thinking, this study make me a lot.


People say that life is very short, I think they make life so short.


I believe that citizens can only have moral extend to their own country may be accepted salute.


We are like birds, the changing seasons, this is destined to be a turning point in our life.


No matter what, as long as their natural creation, is good, the staff have gone bad.


Less knowledge of the people, speak more particularly; more knowledge of the people, but speak very little speech.


Thank God, I finally got to say the scandal, said it all as clear as noonday.


The question is not what he learned, but what he learned is useful.


Everything that comes from the hands of the creator is good, and the one who is in the hands of a man is all bad.


Not forming the habit of thinking in childhood, will make them have no thought of the ability after all life.


Law, as a rule, its own binding is weaker than desire, it can only restrict people and can not change people.


As long as the teacher to the students once lied to the bottom of the leak, it may make all of his educational achievements from the end of the destruction.


Real freedom people only want what he can get things, only do what he likes to do, I was my first basic principle.


Human beings have unknowingly acquired a vague idea about the mutual obligations and the benefits of fulfilling that obligation.

49、你知道運用什麼方法,一定可以使你的孩子成為不幸的人嗎? 這個方法就是對他百依百順。

Do you know what method to use, you can make your child become an unfortunate person? This method is for him to obey in every way.

50、任何一個人,只要他的心和他的愛好遭到了破壞 ,他如花似錦的年華就會像春夢似地消磨過去。

Any one person, as long as his heart and his hobby is destroyed, he will have a bright flowery years will be like a dream wildly killing in the past.

51、人是生而自由的,但卻常困在枷鎖之中。 自以為是其他一切人的主人,反比其他一切人更是奴隸。

Man is born free, but he is always in chains. The owner, who is the owner of all others, is the slave of the other.


The most important law in all the laws, neither carved in marble, nor engraved on the table, but engraved in the hearts of citizens.


If you just think of a place to go, of course you can post chaise, however, if it is to travel, it would have to walk.


In fact people collision of interests, the more powerful, more people hate each other; people help each other actually tried every means to each other and destroyed.


I'm going to do an unprecedented, no imitation of things, I want to put a person's true face all show in front of compatriots, that person is me.


Fantasy is just in time for most inauspicious circumstances was the most pleasant appeared in my mind, when everything around is jubilant, but not so interesting.

57、政府就是在臣民與主權者之間所建立的一個中間體。 國家是由於它自身而存在的,但政府則只能是由於主權者而存在的。

The government is an intermediate between the subjects and the sovereign. Because of the existence of the state itself, but the government can only be due to the existence of the sovereign.



The officials, the government is weak.


Man is born free, but he is not in chains.


Human nature is good, but evil social environment makes people become bad.


Nature wants children to be like children before they are adults.

5、最重要的教育原則是不要愛惜時間 ,要浪費時間。

The most important educational principle is not to cherish the time, to waste time.

6、 生活本身沒有任何價值,它的價值在於怎樣使用它。

Life itself has no value, its value lies in how to use it.


Our pain is not commensurate with our desire and ability.


From our hearts to take the love of the United States, but also took away all the charm of life.


The great secret of education is to make physical exercise and mental exercise to adjust to each other.


In fact, the law is always in favor of the owner, but not conducive to a person without.


I never feel bored when I'm alone, and it's the thing I can't stand for my whole life.


I know I must let the children be attentive, but neglect the most terrible danger of children.


Decoration is also incompatible with virtue, for virtue is the power and anger of the soul.


For all that is in the hand of the creator God is good, and it is in the hands of man that it becomes evil.


Where the teachers lack of love, both character and wisdom are not fully and freely developed.


Remember, the reason why people go astray, not because of his ignorance, but because he knows that.

17、在兒童時期沒有養成思想的習慣。 將使他從此以後一生都沒有思想的能力。

Not forming the habit of thinking in childhood. The ability to make him a life without thinking.


If we allow ever-young in this world, who are willing to accept this sinistrous gift?


Each family is a small community of unity, freedom and mutual affection is their only bond.


The most significant person in life is not the greatest person in life, but the most important person in life.


There is no pure unconscious action in the world, so long as we are good at seeking, we can find out the reason of action from the heart.


To put it all in confusion, people not only did not make us understanding, but to make us evil.


The development of human intelligence should be mainly attributed to the desire, and the desire can be generally satisfied to rely on the development of intelligence.


The courage in misfortune, usually make cowardly heart angry, and the noble soul of joy.


If a person can be self restrained for the sake of morality, then he can't stand the contempt of the person he loves.


Weak in character, not only do not sin, even if it is about virtue, arrogant and bold.


The strongest cannot always be strong enough to be master, unless he can turn the power into the right and the duty of obedience.


If the flow, flow away; if still, on the dry; if the growth, and slowly fade, the world is not eternal.

29、我既找不到一個完全獻身於我的朋友 ,我就必須有些能以其推動力克服我的惰性的朋友。

I can't find a friend who is totally devoted to me, and I have to be able to overcome the inertia of my friend by the force of it.


The most lonely and sad life, but also better than with the help of the guys, to know that it is only know that the betrayal and hatred of the villain.


Virtue and evil two terms are the concept of collective as the object, it is only through the frequent contact with people can produce.


Would rather let the children a dead letter, don't make him to learn the knowledge and the other useful things are sacrifice.


The history of human progress is the history of human degeneration, and the establishment of private ownership is the key to the cause of human inequality and its consequences.


The money in our hand is a tool to keep free; the money we seek is a tool to make yourself a slave.

35、現在,這個世界上剩下孤零零的我一個人了。 除了我和我的影子,再也沒有兄弟 、鄰里、夥伴。

Now, the rest of the world left me alone. In addition to me and my shadow, no brothers, neighbors, partners.

36、自私性是一種自愛,憐憫心是一種他愛。 一個人想要得到他人的愛,他自己首先應具備愛人之心。

Selfishness is a kind of self love, compassion is a love he. A man who wants to be loved by others should first have a heart of love.


Humans seem to have such a tendency to establish a rule that others follow, at the same time trying to make themselves an exception, not subject to its constraints.

38、治理社會就應當完全根據這種共同的利益。 人們總是願意自己幸福,但人們並不總是能看清楚幸福。

Governance society should be based on this common interest. People always want to be happy, but people don't always look happy.


I don't want to die, but I'm in a dying position, I want to live for you, but it's you who are taking away my life.


Regardless of where to, I have been lingering the delightful, leisurely life, riches without interest of handy, even disgust.


If the sovereignty of a subject is more than another subject, then things will become a different, and his power will no longer be effective.


Wisdom and stupidity, like beauty and evil of the food, the speech of skillful and clumsy, just like cup of fine coarse, regardless of cup of coarse and fine, holding the two kinds of food.

43、一個人只要能夠生活就感到滿足的話,他就會生活的很愉快。 我們愈不知道忍受,我們愈感到痛苦。

If a person is satisfied with his life, he will have a good life. The more we don't know, the more we feel the pain.


Only when a person is in a state of dependence is weak, if he is unrestrained, do not rely on other people's words, he is very strong.


Once the law has lost its power, all will be in despair; as long as the law no longer has the power, all the legal things will not be any more power.

46、人是生而自由的,但卻無往不在枷鎖之中。 自以為是其他一切的主人的人,反而比其他一切更是奴隸。

Man is born free, but he is not in chains. The man who thinks he is the master of everything else is a slave to everything else.

47、真正的幸福的源泉在我們自身。 一個人只要自己善於追求幸福,別人是無法使他落到真正悲慘的境地的。

The source of true happiness in our own. As long as a person is good at the pursuit of happiness, others can not make him fall into a real tragic situation.

48、我從事一項前無古人、後無來者的事業。 我要把一個人的真實面目全部地展示在世人面前;此人便是我。

I engaged in a career, with no predecessors who have. I want to show the true colors of a person in front of the world; this person is me.


In these moments of solitude and meditation alone. I am really me, is consistent with my nature. I, I just neither worry and fettered.

50、人一旦成名,就一個朋友也沒有了,這是一個很大的不幸。 而尤其不幸的是自稱為朋友的人也都離你而去。

Once people become famous, it is a great misfortune to have a friend, it is a great misfortune. And in particular, the people who are claiming to be friends are going away from you.


We often see people in the theatre who admit unfortunate people to tears, but if they become tyrants, they will be more cruel to the enemy.


The leisure in the social field is disgusting, because it is forced, and the idle in the lonely life is pleasant, for it is free and voluntary.

53、儘管我曾冒失莽撞,但我既不是個說謊者也不是個懦夫 ,而我的心所犯下的罪孽,我的筆是不會去否認它的。

Even though I have a blunder, but I am neither a liar is not a coward, and my heart committed sin, my pen is not to deny it.

54、當人民被迫服從而服從時,他們做的對。 但是,一旦人民可以打破自己身上的桎梏而打破它時,他們就做的更對。

When people are forced to obey, they do. However, when people can break the shackles of their own body and break it, they do more on.


You have to remember, in the courage to play the task of training a person before, he must make a person, he must be a worthy model.


The big problem of political science is to find a form of government that will be placed on top of the law, and the problem can be compared with that of the circle in geometry.


This is the first time that the human beings have been marked by the change of the times, the people have established the family, have formed some kind of private ownership, also has brought the endless dispute and the conflict to oneself.


A man's heart is only subject to his own, you want to bind it, the results have released it; if you let it be free, but you put it tightly bound.


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