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[西洋] Sam Fender - Hypersonic Missiles [複製連結]

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發表於 2020-3-9 09:44:23 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 1

作詞:Sam Fender
作曲:Sam Fender

Dutch kids huff balloons in the parking lot
The golden arches illuminate the business park
I eat myself to death, feed the corporate machine
I watch the movies, recite every line and scene
God bless America and all of its allies
I'm not the first to live with wool over my eyes

I am so blissfully unaware of everything
Kids in Gaza are bombed, and I'm just out of it
The tensions of the world are rising higher
We're probably due another war with all this ire
I'm not smart enough to change a thing
I've no answers, only questions, don't you ask a thing

Oh, the silver-tongue suits and cartoons, they rule my world
Saying it's a high time for hypersonic missiles
But when the bombs drop, darling
Can you say that you've lived your life?
Oh, this is a high time for hypersonic missiles

The cities lie like tumours all across the world
A cancer eating mankind, hitting it on blindside
They say I'm a nihilist 'cause I can't see
Any decent rhyme or reason for the life of you and me
But I believe in what I'm feeling, and I'm falling for you
This world is gonna end, but 'til then, I'll give you everything I have
I'll give you everything I have


Oh, the silver-tongue suits and cartoons, they rule my world
Saying it's a high time for hypersonic missiles
When the bombs drop, darling
Can you say that you've lived your life?
Oh, this is a high time for hypersonic missiles

Then you'll do the same, only the names change, honey
You can join their club if you're born into money
It's a high time for hypersonic missiles
And, oh, this is a high time for hypersonic missiles
And, oh, this is a high time for hypersonic missiles
Oh, this is a high time for hypersonic missiles


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