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[西洋] Rima Zeidan 瑞瑪席丹 - Journey [複製連結]

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發表於 2021-9-9 08:59:22 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 1


詞/曲/演唱:Rima Zeidan (瑞瑪席丹)

When I was a little girl, I dreamed of exploring the world,
Believing that I could change the world,
And take part in the outside world.
When I got a little scared, I try to close my eyes and pray,
Knowing that I will find my way,
(And) let my imagination takes me
Where I wanna go, hoping someday it’ll be part of my world
& Now it’s time to Go, Say hello to the outside world.
Coz I’m a dreamer, and a believer,
But most importantly I’m his daughter.
Life is an endless journey,
OH it feels so good to have You around,
Knowing that I’m not alone.
I’m not alone…

As I grew a little older
I understood life a little better
these journeys that brought us all together
That brought us to where we are right now.
As I set off on my own
I learned to count the blessings as I go.
We all have stories to tell the world,
so let our imaginations takes us
Where we wanna go, hoping someday it’ll be part of our world
& Now it’s time to Go, Say hello to the outside world.
Coz we’re all dreamers, we’re all believers
But most importantly we’re his sons & daughters.
Life’s an endless journey,
Oh it feels so good to have You around, knowing that we’re not alone.
We’re not alone…


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