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[西洋] Billy Joe - She's Always a Woman to Me [複製連結]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2023-1-14 17:59:18 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 2

She can kill with a smile     她的微笑能致命
She can wound with her eyes     她的眼神會傷人
She can ruin your faith with her casual lies     她不經意的謊言會搞砸你的真理
And she only reveals what she wants you to see     她只釋放出她所選擇讓你看的
She hides like a child,     她隱藏自己像個孩子
But she's always a woman to me     但她  總是我的女人

She can lead you to love     她帶領你去愛
She can take you or leave you     她抓住你或離開你
She can ask for the truth     她向你要求真理
But she'll never believe you     但她從不相信你
And she'll take what you give her, as long as it's free     她對你予取予求
Yeah, she steals like a thief     她如小偷般偷光你的一切
But she's always a woman to me     但她  總是我的女人

*Oh, she takes care of herself     她照顧好自己
She can wait if she wants     她等待自己想要的東西
She's ahead of her time     她走在自己前面
Oh, and she never gives out     她從不停止   
And she never gives in     她從不投降
She just changes her mind     她只是經常改變心意

And she'll promise you more     她會答應你很多
Than the Garden of Eden     多過伊甸園
Then she'll carelessly cut you     然後又不小心傷害你
And laugh while you're bleedin'     嘲笑你內心的淌血
But she'll bring out the best     然而她還是會帶來最好的
And the worst you can be     如同會帶來最壞的
Blame it all on yourself     一切都怪你自己
Cause she's always a woman to me     因為 她總是我的女人

She is frequently kind     她偶爾善良
And she's suddenly cruel     她會突然殘暴
She can do as she pleases     她恣意而行
She's nobody's fool     沒有人能玩弄她
And she can't be convicted     如同沒有人捨得怪罪她   
She's earned her degree     她精準拿捏分寸
And the most she will do     而她最擅長的
Is throw shadows at you    就是把你丟在陰影中
But she's always a woman to me     但她  總是我的女人

中譯出處 小毛音樂廚房
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不曬月亮的魚 + 5 您發表的影音非常棒,無私分享造福眾人,論.

總評分: SOGO幣 + 5   查看全部評分


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