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[西洋] Demi Lovato - Without the Love [複製連結]

Rank: 15Rank: 15Rank: 15Rank: 15Rank: 15

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發表於 2024-1-15 20:24:29 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 3

Oooooooh, oooooooh
Oooooooh, oooooooh

You pull my strings and push my soul
You fool my heart with every note
You drop a beat and kiss my face
You make me move then cut the base

And you work so hard to get me just to let me go
Yeah, you put me in the spotlight just to steal the show
And you try to take me home like you're DiMaggio
Oh (oh, oh) it's such a joke

why are you singing me love songs what good is a love song
what good is a love song without the love?
why are you singing me love songs what good is a love song
what good is a love song without the love?

why are we acting like lovers? We don't know each other
Even though we used to rule the world
why are you singing me love songs what good is a love song
A love song without the love

You're so confused its getting old
You wear your ring but leave me cold
You're beautiful but cause me pain
You played my heart like it's a game

And you work so hard to get me just to let me go
Yeah, you put me in the spotlight just to steal the show
And you try to take me home like you're DiMaggio
Oh (oh, oh) it's criminal

why are you singing me love songs what good is a love song
what good is a love song without the love?
why are you singing me love songs what good is a love song
what good is a love song without the love?

why are we acting like lovers We don't know each other
Even though we used to rule the world
why are you singing me love songs what good is a love song
A love song without the love

This is the bend before the break
When we forget the harmony
This is how water colors fade
Into distant memories

why are you singing me love songs what good is a love song
what good is a love song without the love?
why are you singing me love songs what good is a love song
what good is a love song without the love?

why are we acting like lovers We don't know each other
Even though we used to rule the world
why are you singing me love songs what good is a love song
A love song without the love

(Oooooooh) Without the love (Oooooooh)
Without the love (Oooooooh)
Without the love (Oooooooh)
Without the love


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