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[西洋] Dean Lewis – All Your Lies [複製連結]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2025-2-3 22:17:19 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 1

I don’t care tell them what you want to
You can paint me how you like
And after everything we’ve been through
Do you really wanna sell your soul tonight
Well go ahead and chase those flashing lights

So I’m gonna run for the hills
I’m not gonna say goodbye
You can tell all your friends
Whatever makes you feel alright

I just wanna get away
I’m gonna leave tonight
Cause I’m just getting so damn sick of trying to find the truth inside
All your lies
All your lies

Do I still wander through your dreams
And when you wake
You still don’t know what it means
It feels like I’m the one still paying for your sins
So do you really wanna sell your soul tonight
Well go ahead and chase those flashing lights

So I’m gonna run for the hills
I’m not gonna say goodbye
You can tell all your friends
Whatever makes you feel alright

I just wanna get away
I’m gonna leave tonight
Cause I’m just getting so damn sick of trying to find the truth inside
All your lies

You can say what you want to
Just believe what you need to burn my whole world down
With all your lies
You can say what you want to
Just believe what you need to burn my whole world down

So I’m gonna run for the hills
I’m not gonna say goodbye
You can tell all your friends
Whatever makes you feel alright

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GMT+8, 2025-3-14 04:59

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