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我在網路上發現文中的KEN JOHNSTON的確曾經參與過美國1960∼70年代的太空任務
Former NASA scientist Ken Johnston interview by Coast to Coast AM 'The Shuttle Mission/Antigravity'
Sunday, August 7, 2005
Host at that moment: George Noory
Invited to the show by Richard Hoagland
Comments made in the last 10 minutes of Hour 2
Interview transcript by Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions (PEHI)
Official NASA biography of Ken Johnston is located below the interview transcript, together with a very similar November 2000 testimony of another NASA employee.
Interview transcript
KEN JOHNSTON: As fast as we were moving to get to the moon and back, we should have already had colonies on the moon and already have colonies on Mars at this time. There's no question about that.
GEORGE NOORY: And we could have, if we kept up the pace?
KEN JOHNSTON: And / or there's still the question; Did we?
GEORGE NOORY: Let's hold on! Ken, tell me a little bit about what you just said, because that coming from you is pretty mind boggling.
KEN JOHNSTON: Well, I was in numerous decisions with NASA. One of them was at the Lunar Receiving Laboratory, I was charge of all the film when it came back to get it processed and then show it to the engineers and scientists that were involved. I was first hand present during looking at some of the anomalies on the lunar surface that we couldn't explain. I've explained those to Richard before. And there have been many things that have shown up since then. Some of the conversations I had with certain people that always left me with the question of, "What were they holding back?" A perfect example was when we were looking at the films of Apollo 14 on the backside of the moon. I can't recall the name of..., but as the craft is coming over in the shadow portion of that crater there were like five glowing lights and a column that appeared like a plume of steam, something coming straight up in a vacuum. I was asked to stop the film and take a good look at it and doctor Thorn Page, who was the director of the Astronomy Department and Astro-Geology, he said to the other scientiest, "well boys, what do think of that?" They all chuckled and laughed like it was an inside joke and then I was told to move on. Well, the next day when I showed that film that portion of the film had been removed and was no longer there. Actually, in places we had airbrushing done, lunar pictures, lunar surfaces, as well as lunar... [interrupted by the host]
GEORGE NOORY: Would they be anomalies of perhaps man-made vehicles and structures that might have been on the moon from earlier earth civilizations? Are we talking about extraterrestrial anomalies? Because surely there wouldn't be that much exitement about moon-based anomalies that were just natural structures.
KEN JOHNSTON: No, I think that the evidence shows that [with] some of the archeologies or some of the structures we got the indication that they were [of] ancient design. Yet, what we were looking at on Apollo 14 was something that was alive, because there were still lights functioning, and steam, something was going on, so you have ancient and current stuff going on.
GEORGE NOORY: Now, would they come, do you believe, extraterrestial, from outside or from planet earth?
KEN JOHNSTON: The way I answer that is as a solar system ambassador for NASA; I have seen things that were hard for me to explain as a pilot, but I have not spoken to or met an alien up front and close, although if there aren't any intelligent beings out there it's an awful lot of waste of space.
GEORGE NOORY: So here you are, an expert in space who worked with NASA and your saying right now tonight that it is possible that there could be some very strange anomalies there on the moon and maybe elsewhere.
KEN JOHNSTON: Absolutely, that, and as well as on Mars too.
Official NASA biography of Ken Johnston:
Ken learned to fly in the US Marine Corps and in the 1960's he was one of the 5 Test Pilots assigned to work with the Astronauts during the Apollo Moon Program at NASA in Houston. His job was to help train the Astronauts to fly the Lunar Module. He was one of the Test Conductors and became the Test Director of the TM-5 Lunar Module Training Vehicle that was used to train all the Lunar Mission Astronauts. In 1969 Ken was responsible for controlling all the Data and Photographic information generated from the Lunar Missions. He has three BS degrees in Aviation and Aerospace Engineering, a Masters in Theology and his PhD. in Meta Physics. Retired. NASA Solar System Ambassador since 2004.
November 2000, testimony of a NASA witness to the Disclosure Project:
My name is Donna Hare. During ‘70 and ‘71 I worked in Building 8 of NASA for a contractor, Philco Ford. They changed their name several times. Over the years, I worked in the photo lab and in different areas of the company on and offsite.
During the ‘70’s, I don’t know the exact date, I walked into the photo lab, into one of the restricted areas- I did have a secret clearance. I walked into a restricted area which was not my company- it was the NASA photo lab. And there they developed the film from the moon and satellite pictures, everything that’s done by NASA. One of the gentlemen I had been friends with and I still talk to occasionally pointed my attention to one area of this mosaic. It was one panel of a mosaic which are several panels put together to form a larger picture. I believe they were satellite pictures but I’m not sure. They were aerial looking down. And I said, this is really interesting.
He explained everything. And then, with a smile on his face he said, look over there. And I looked. And in one of the photo panels I saw a round white dot. And at the time it was very crisp, very sharp lines on it. And I said to him what is that? Is that a dot on the emulsion? And then he’s grinning and he says dots on the emulsion don’t leave round shadows on the ground. And there was a round shadow at the correct angle with the sun shining on the trees. I looked at him and I was pretty startled because I had worked out there several years and had never seen anything like this, never heard of anything like this. And I said, is this a UFO? And he’s smiling at me and he says, I can’t tell you that. I can’t tell you that. What I knew he meant was, it was [a UFO] but he couldn’t tell me. So I said, what are you going to do with this information? And he said, well, we always have to airbrush them out before we sell them to the public. And I was just amazed that they had a protocol in place for getting rid of UFO pictures on these things…
He said that some [of the astronauts] who wanted to talk were threatened. They’d signed papers not to talk. They would have their retirements taken away. I was just overwhelmed with that piece of information so I started asking questions. Certain people that I knew were key people in the organization so I’d take them away from the site. We’d go to lunch and I’d talk to them. And alone they would tell me things and then swear if I ever said they said it, they would say I was lying. One gentleman that I knew very well was in quarantine with the astronauts. He said, just about every one of them has seen things when they went to the moon. In fact, one said that craft were on the moon at the time of the landing. But this man has disappeared off the face of the Earth. I’ve tried to find him but I only have his name. I’ve given it to SG.
I also met a security guard that was forced to burn a lot of UFO pictures. He came into my office and he was very frightened. He said, Donna, I heard you were interested in this subject. He said, I used to work out there. And one day some soldiers came in fatigues and had me burn pictures. He said that he was burning them and he was forced not to look at them. But he was tempted. He looked at one of them and it was a UFO on the ground. Shortly thereafter he was hit in the head with a gun butt and he still had a scar on his forehead. Now, this gentleman was terrified. He was scared out of his mind. And he also said that in the picture was a UFO with little bumps on it. It looked like it had just landed…
There was a point in time when I had some people come out and tell me I shouldn’t talk about this. They didn’t threaten to kill me but I got the message I shouldn’t talk about it. But I’d already talked about it so much it didn’t really matter anymore. And like I said at the [1997] congressional briefings, I really started feeling like this topic was like sex. You know, everybody knew about it but nobody talked about in mixed company. I’m waiting to tell more whenever there’s a congressional hearing where I could be protected. I trust SG. I feel he’s done everything he said he would do as far as protection, secrecy of what I give him, for now. I want it to come out when it’s necessary and proper and can do some good. I don’t want people going around that are trying to get rid of these people or hurting them or challenging them or making them so frightened they move away-like this one particular man I know of who has just disappeared off the face of the Earth. This one man, he has disappeared. I just don’t want that.
One of the things that I’m upset about is that good people are forced to do illegal things. And I believe that this information should be given to the American [people].
真的被我找到這本書,英文名為『Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA 』
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