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回覆 #13 板本龍馬 的帖子
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For the 1572 events, see St.對於1572年的事件,看到街 Bartholomew's Day massacre . 巴塞洛繆節大屠殺 。
The Paris massacre of 1961 refers to a massacre in Paris on 17 October 1961 , during the Algerian War (1954–62). 巴黎大屠殺是指1961年 的大屠殺在巴黎的10月17日 1961年 ,在阿爾及利亞戰爭 ( 1954至1962年) 。 Under orders from the head of the Parisian police , Maurice Papon , the French police attacked an unarmed and peaceful demonstration of some 30,000 Algerians .命令下的首長巴黎警察 , 莫里斯蓬 ,在法國警方襲擊手無寸鐵的和平示威的約有3萬阿爾及利亞人 。 After 37 years of denial, the French government acknowledged 40 deaths in 1998, although there are estimates of up to 200.經過37多年的拒絕,法國政府確認40人死亡, 1998年,雖然有估計可達200 。
The 17 October 1961 massacre appears to have been intentional, as has been demonstrated by historian Jean-Luc Einaudi, who won a trial against Maurice Papon in 1999 — the latter was convicted in 1998 on charges of crimes against humanity due to his role under the Vichy collaborationist regime during World War II .在10月17日 1961年大屠殺似乎是有意的,因為已經證明了歷史學家丁漢埃諾迪,誰贏得了審判莫里斯蓬在1999年-後者是在1998年被判有罪,罪名是危害人類罪 ,因為他的作用下, 維希通敵制度在第二次世界大戰 。 Official documentation and eyewitnesses within the Paris police department indeed suggest that the massacre was directed by Maurice Papon.官方文件和目擊者在巴黎警察署確實表明,大屠殺是由莫里斯蓬。 Police records show that Papon called for officers in one station to be 'subversive' in quelling the demonstrations, and assured them protection from prosecution if they participated. [ 1 ] Many demonstrators died when they were violently herded by police into the River Seine , with some thrown from bridges after being beaten unconscious.警方的記錄顯示,蓬呼籲人員在一個站是'顛覆'鎮壓示威,並保證他們免受起訴,如果他們參加了會議。 [ 1 ]許多示威者死亡時被警方以暴力驅趕到塞納河 ,與一些投擲橋樑被毆打後昏迷。 Other demonstrators were killed within the courtyard of the Paris police headquarters after being arrested and delivered there in police buses.其他示威者被打死的庭院內的巴黎警察總部被拘捕後和交付有警察巴士。 Officers who participated in the courtyard killings took the precaution of removing identification numbers from their uniforms, while senior officers ignored pleas by other policemen who were shocked when witnessing the brutality.幹事誰參加了庭院殺人事件防範消除身份證號碼從制服,而高級官員無視其他警察認罪誰感到震驚時,目睹的暴行。 Silence regarding the events within the police headquarters was further enforced by threats of reprisals from participating officers.沉默的事件有關的警察總部內的進一步實施報復的威脅參與人員。
Forty years later, Bertrand Delanoë , member of the Socialist Party (PS) and Mayor of Paris , put a plaque in remembrance of the massacre on the Saint-Michel bridge on 17 October 2001 . [ 2 ] [ 3 ] How many demonstrators were killed is still unclear, but estimates range from 70 to 200 people.四十多年後, 德拉諾埃 ,成員社會黨 ( PS )和巴黎市長 ,把牌匾紀念大屠殺的聖米歇爾橋的10月17日 2001年 。 [ 2 ] [ 3 ]有多少示威者被打死目前還不清楚,但估計範圍從70至200人。 In the absence of official estimates, the placard which commemorates the massacre stated: "In memory of the many Algerians killed during the bloody repression of the peaceful demonstration of 17 October 1961 ".由於缺乏官方的估計,標語牌紀念大屠殺中指出: “在記憶中的許多阿爾及利亞人期間喪生的血腥鎮壓和平示威的10月17日 1961年 ” 。 On 18 February 2007 (the day after Papon's death), calls were made for a Paris Métro station under construction in Gennevilliers to be named "17 Octobre 1961" in commemoration of the massacre [ 4 ] [ 5 ] .在2月18日 2007年 (後第二天蓬的死亡) ,有人呼籲的巴黎地鐵站正在建設中Gennevilliers被命名為“ 1961年10月17日”紀念大屠殺[ 4 ] [ 5 ] 。
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法國對阿爾及利亞 對科西嘉 對阿拉伯移民
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而是做噁心事的時候還披了一張民主人權的皮 |
總評分: SOGO幣 + 4