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發表於 2010-7-18 00:50:27 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽

Capitalism and Cannabis, Legitimate and Legal

By DAVID SEGAL  紐約周報精選
陳世欽譯  2010-07-13/聯合報/G5版/UNITEDDAILYNEWS

BOULDER, Colorado — In this affluent, ecologically minded university town, one of the odder experiments in the recent history of American capitalism is unfolding: the country’s first attempt at fully regulating, licensing and taxing a for-profit marijuana trade.  


Boulder now has, depending on whom you ask, 50 to 100 businesses legally dispensing medicinal marijuana, and the best of them display their product in the sort of glass cases found in jewelry stores or high-end bakeries.  


The people behind these cases, known as “budtenders,” dispense strains with names like Bubble Gum, Sour Kush, God’s Gift and Blue Skunk.  


Michael Bellingham, owner of the Boulder Medical Marijuana Dispensary, holds a jar of Jack the Ripper . “It’s very serious, very strong,” he said. “ It goes right to your brain.”  


In Colorado, where a constitutional amendment legalizing medical marijuana was passed in 2000, hundreds of dispensaries popped up and a startling number of residents turn out to be in “severe pain,” the most popular of eight conditions that can be treated legally with the once demonized weed.  


Many sellers have a long history with marijuana, and remain reluctant to disclose their real names. And none of the owners offered a look at their “grow,” as indoor, hydroponic crops are known. There are strict rules about the size of grows and, of course, at the federal level, marijuana remains illegal.  


Most owners, though, were happy to show off their wares at retail. Most customers buy a gram or two at a time, and a lot of dispensaries offer loyalty cards — buy a lot, get some free. If smoking doesn’t appeal, there are lots of pot edibles, like cookies, fudge and candy bars .  


The marijuana merchants in Colorado had to make a lot of basic decisions when they started. Among them: What should a forprofit medical marijuana dispensary look like, anyway? State law says that the cannabis has to be in “limited access areas,” but as far as interior decorating mandates go, that’s it.  


So there’s variety. The Greenest Green looks like a bar in Amsterdam, with a chalkboard announcing the day’s offerings in candy colors , as well as a stereo playing reggae. Until a new law went into effect, patients could “medicate” on the premises, with options that included a $5 hit of hash oil from an elaborate water pipe called a skillet.  


The Green Room has an espresso bar and a separate room for a massage therapist. Another, Dr. Reefer — it’s the name of the dispensary and the trade name of the owner — is proudly ramshackle.  


“This used to be a hot dog place called What’s Up Dog and my place was in the basement,” said Pierre Werner, Dr. Reefer himself.  

「芮佛醫師」本尊皮耶.華納說:「這裡以前是一家名為『What's Up Dog』的熱狗店。我的店開在地下室。」

Sellers here say that to succeed , you need to keep two essentials in mind. First is the importance of nabbing a lot of “caregiver rights,” which every person with a medical marijuana certificate can assign to a seller of choice. The more caregiver rights a dispensary collects, the more pot it can sell.  


The second: grow your own. A pound of marijuana can be sold at retail for somewhere between $5,500 and $7,500. To buy that quantity wholesale will cost about $4,000. Grow it yourself and the same pound will cost just $750 to $1,000.  


“It’s like any retail environment,” said Sean Fey, a co-owner of the Green Room.  


A batch of regulations signed by the governor on June 7 is expected to put many dispensaries out of business . There are restrictions on hours, licensing, labeling, and on and on. Dispensary owners, generally speaking, aren’t complaining. The more regulated the business becomes, the easier it will be to operate, said Ravi Respeto, manager of the Farmacy.  


The company would like to purge the business of its counterculture image and turn it into something mainstream.  


“What you hear about is a bunch of 18-year-olds who just want to get high,” said Ms. Respeto. “You’ll see little of that in our establishment. What you’ll see instead is the 50-year-old woman who suffers from arthritis and this is her choice of pain medication.”  


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